Losing Lutheran Identity

Robert Preus

I think that open communion is probably one of the ways in which we can lose our Lutheran identity quicker than any other bad practice. Let me explain.

I remember the letter that Dr. [Ralph] Bohlmann (1932-2016) wrote. He talks about us being a church body that teaches the pure doctrine and that God has been so gracious to us. This is exactly true. However, you can lose the pure doctrine not just by adhering to false doctrine but by following false practice. Bad practice which just makes you indifferent to the doctrinal principles themselves. This can be done by bad liturgies, by bad hymns. Hymns that are not really solidly Lutheran or really biblical. There’s a lot of that going around in the world today. And open communion — letting your altar open to anybody who just says, “I’m a Christian” — is, I think, one of the easiest ways to lose your Lutheran identity of anything. Therefore, you have a lot of concern in this book*. I don’t think anybody advocates open communion who dares to write a memorial but it’s happening all over our church body.

And so there’s some definite theological concerns with the influences which are being brought upon the Missouri Synod by this Church Growth type of thing. I call it a thing because I’m not sure it is a movement. Lutheranism, I guess, is a movement. We know what it is. Marxism is a movement. We know exactly what it is. But Church Growth is a very nebulous thing. And we just feel — at both seminaries, I think — that we should examine the people who are coming into our churches and our districts a little more before we just simply do church work their way. 

Another thing I might say is that the Church Growth movement isn’t particularly successful. Since this has had an impact upon our leadership, we haven’t grown.

 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ but do not do what I tell you?” 
Luke 6:46 (GWN)

  *Tell Everyone What He Has Done Convention Workbook, Reports and Overtures
57th Regular Convention, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Wichita, Kansas, July 7–14, 1989

Robert D. Preus
Public Forum of Presidential Candidates
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bridgeton, Missouri
Saturday, May 6, 1989

Transcription: M. L. F. Freiberg Sr.